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Estopa - Tu Calorro (Videoclip) (En Directo) Video

Vídeo de Estopa interpretando Tu Calorro

Escucha los éxitos de Estopa:


Escucha más de Estopa:

Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/artist/5ZqnEfVdEGmoPxtELhN7ai?si=pRyuv1uQT920gB9IUTPQmQ
Amazon Music: https://music.amazon.es/artists/B008KGZWFO/estopa?marketplaceId=A1RKKUPIHCS9HS&musicTerritory=ES&ref=dm_sh_vtG9Lhz8SDPsUNXRbGxSDe8Nt
Apple Music: https://music.apple.com/es/artist/estopa/27384332
YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCQx48qoW1N4RAeNBocBkO7g?sub_confirmation=1

Sigue a Estopa:

Web: http://www.estopa.com/
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/estopaoficial
Twitter: https://twitter.com/estopaoficial




Fuí a la orilla del río
y vi que estabas muy sola
vi que te habías dormido
vi que crecían amapolas
en lo alto de tu pecho
tu pecho hecho en la gloria
yo me fui pa ti derecho
y así entraste en mi memoria
Tú me vestiste los ojos
yo te quitaba la ropa
todas las palomas que cojo
vuelan a la pata coja
tú ibas abriendo las alas
yo iba cerrando la boca
tu eras flor desarropada
y yo el calorro que te arropa

Tu perfume es el veneno
que contamina el aire que tu pelo corta
que me corta hasta el habla y el entendimiento
porque es la droga que vuelve mi cabeza loca
Después me quedo dormido
En una cama más dura que una roca
Soñando que aún no te has ido
Soñando que aún me tocas

Y el sol se va sonrojando
Porque la noche le va cayendo
Los pájaros van llegando
Los árboles tienen sueño
Sus hojas ya se han cansado
De aguantar tanto el invierno
Y yo sigo aquí a tu lado
Hasta que me lleve el viento

De luto se pone el cielo
Que viene con nubes negras
Será porque tiene celos
De que esta noche te tenga
Que oscuro que se esta haciendo
Echale leña a la hoguera
La hoguera del sentimiento
Que arde si estoy a tu vera

About the Site 🌐

This site provides links to random videos hosted at YouTube, with the emphasis on random. 🎥

Origins of the Idea 🌱

The original idea for this site stemmed from the need to benchmark the popularity of a video against the general population of YouTube videos. 🧠

Challenges Faced 🤔

Obtaining a large sample of videos was crucial for accurate ranking, but YouTube lacks a direct method to gather random video IDs.

Even searching for random strings on YouTube doesn't yield truly random results, complicating the process further. 🔍

Creating Truly Random Links 🛠️

The YouTube API offers additional functions enabling the discovery of more random videos. Through inventive techniques and a touch of space-time manipulation, we've achieved a process yielding nearly 100% random links to YouTube videos.

About YouTube 📺

YouTube, an American video-sharing website based in San Bruno, California, offers a diverse range of user-generated and corporate media content. 🌟

Content and Users 🎵

Users can upload, view, rate, share, and comment on videos, with content spanning video clips, music videos, live streams, and more.

While most content is uploaded by individuals, media corporations like CBS and the BBC also contribute. Unregistered users can watch videos, while registered users enjoy additional privileges such as uploading unlimited videos and adding comments.

Monetization and Impact 🤑

YouTube and creators earn revenue through Google AdSense, with most videos free to view. Premium channels and subscription services like YouTube Music and YouTube Premium offer ad-free streaming.

As of February 2017, over 400 hours of content were uploaded to YouTube every minute, with the site ranking as the second-most popular globally. By May 2019, this figure exceeded 500 hours per minute. 📈

List of ours generators⚡

Random YouTube Videos Generator

Random Film and Animation Video Generator

Random Autos and Vehicles Video Generator

Random Music Video Generator

Random Pets and Animals Video Generator

Random Sports Video Generator

Random Travel and Events Video Generator

Random Gaming Video Generator

Random People and Blogs Video Generator

Random Comedy Video Generator

Random Entertainment Video Generator

Random News and Politics Video Generator

Random Howto and Style Video Generator

Random Education Video Generator

Random Science and Technology Video Generator

Random Nonprofits and Activism Video Generator

By using our services, you agree to our Privacy Policy.
Alternative random YouTube videos generator: vTomb

YoutuBeRandom © 2025