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山苦瓜的功效. momordica charantia benefits .Peria katak. Video

山苦瓜 英文名Momordica charantia (別名: 野苦瓜、短果苦瓜、假苦瓜、小苦瓜。 原產地: 原產熱帶亞洲。 分布: 在台灣現已馴化為野生植物,中、南部中、低海拔山區、野地、路旁、荒廢地經常可見。 用途: 瓜果可當野外救荒野菜。 藥用:果實含有高成分「苦瓜鹼」,有促進食慾、解渴、清涼、解毒、消腫、袪寒的功效。 營養成分:維生素A、維生素B1、維生素B2、維生素C、菸鹼酸、鈣、磷、鐵、蛋白質、纖維、胡蘿蔔素、谷氨酸、丙氨酸、脯氨酸、瓜氨酸、果膠。 料理:山苦瓜紅棗飯、山苦瓜飯盅、小魚乾山苦瓜湯、山苦瓜醋片泡菜、榨菜山苦瓜、豆豉山苦瓜。 特性: 一年生蔓性攀緣草本植物,分枝繁茂,藤蔓具有捲鬚和毛茸,可攀緣,全株具有特殊氣味,比一般苦瓜矮小。葉片輪廓近於圓形,有5~7裂狀。春至夏季開淡黃色花,花冠五深裂。莖綠色,有稜。4至9月為結果期,瓜果長卵形,末端尖銳,果體約3至15cm,表面有疣狀突起及軟刺,十分玲瓏可愛,未成熟果皮為綠色,成熟果皮為橙黃色,熟透自然裂為3片,向外翻卷而露出被有深紅色假種皮的種 

Popularity of Momordica charantia (MC) in various systems of traditional medicine for several ailments (antidiabetic, abortifacient, anthelmintic, contraceptive, dysmenorrhea, eczema, emmenagogue, antimalarial, galactagogue, gout, jaundice, abdominal pain, kidney (stone), laxative, leprosy, leucorrhea, piles, pneumonia, psoriasis, purgative, rheumatism, fever and scabies) focused the investigator’s attention on this plant. Over 100 studies using modern techniques have authenticated its use in diabetes and its complications (nephropathy, cataract, insulin resistance), as antibacterial as well as antiviral agent (including HIV infection), as anthelmintic and abortifacient. Traditionally it has also been used in treating peptic ulcers, interestingly in a recent experimental studies have exhibited its potential against Helicobacter pylori. Most importantly, the studies have shown its efficacy in various cancers (lymphoid leukemia, lymphoma, choriocarcinoma, melanoma, breast cancer, skin tumor, prostatic cancer, squamous carcinoma of tongue and larynx, human bladder carcinomas and Hodgkin’s disease).
Peria katak
~ Tinggi Fiber, Mineral & Anti-oksidan
~ Mempunyai Phyto-nutrient, Poplypeptide-P dan Charatin yang membantu mengawal gula dalam darah. (Bagus untuk pesakit Diabetes Type II)
~ Tinggi Vitamin C, Carotene, Leutein dan zea-xanthin
(Anti-oksida yang bagus untuk anti-penuaan, anti-kanser dan mencegah penyakit kronik )

~ Mengandungi Niacin (vitamin B3), Pantothenic acid (vitamin B5), Pyridoxine (Viamin B6), Zat Besi, Zinc, Manganese dan Magnesium.
~ Membantu menurunkan kolestrol
~ Membantu mencegah sembelit
~ Mencegah jangkitan



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This site provides links to random videos hosted at YouTube, with the emphasis on random. 🎥

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The original idea for this site stemmed from the need to benchmark the popularity of a video against the general population of YouTube videos. 🧠

Challenges Faced 🤔

Obtaining a large sample of videos was crucial for accurate ranking, but YouTube lacks a direct method to gather random video IDs.

Even searching for random strings on YouTube doesn't yield truly random results, complicating the process further. 🔍

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The YouTube API offers additional functions enabling the discovery of more random videos. Through inventive techniques and a touch of space-time manipulation, we've achieved a process yielding nearly 100% random links to YouTube videos.

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While most content is uploaded by individuals, media corporations like CBS and the BBC also contribute. Unregistered users can watch videos, while registered users enjoy additional privileges such as uploading unlimited videos and adding comments.

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As of February 2017, over 400 hours of content were uploaded to YouTube every minute, with the site ranking as the second-most popular globally. By May 2019, this figure exceeded 500 hours per minute. 📈

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